"Volume Menu" is ShareWare - If you use this utility, please take the time to acknowledge the effort that went into making it. Send $15 to:
David Gladstone,
15 Minaret Drive,
Bucklands Beach,
New Zealand.
Feel free to give copies of this software to your friends.
\U\BAbout Volume Menu:\u\b
"Volume Menu" is a useful utility that allows you to easily alter the speaker volume of your Mac. Instead of those annoyingly time consuming trips to Apple's Sound Control Panel, "Volume Menu" puts the volume slider control at your fingertips (well, under the menu bar, at least!) Pressing the mouse button in the menu bar whilst holding down a user definable combination of the keys Shift, Option, Command & Control, will bring up a slider control for altering the volume. Use the "Volume Menu" control panel to configure the key settings and other options.
\U\BHow to use "Volume Menu":\u\b
System Requirements: System 6.0.4 or later.
Drag Volume Menu onto your system folder (not into the open system folder window) and it will find its way to the right place. Open the Volume Menu control panel (whichever way you prefer) and set up the options you desire. When you restart your computer "Volume Menu" will load (given that it is turned on at the control panel).
To temporarily turn off Volume Menu either hold down the shift key or the mouse button while the extension is loading.
\U\BVersion History:\u\b
\Uv1.0b1\p Released on 8th February, 1992 for local testing.
• Slight incompatability with Apple's Sound control panel - doesn't cause any harm. The problem is that Apple's cdev doesn't expect the volume level to change while it is 'frontmost' - hence if you change the volume using "Volume Menu" Apple's cdev doesn't update it's slider, and to further change the volume using it, you can either a) close and reopen the cdev (rather pointless), b) Click where you know the slider should be (as adjusted in Volume Menu's menu) or c) obscure Apple's slider with a window, then uncover it again (causing it to be redrawn) - this appears to happen only in pre-system 7 sound and general control panels.
• \BNote:\b "SndControl" by Riccardo Ettore disables all beeps when the option key is depressed - hence, if you're using "SndControl" and "Volume Menu" at the same time, there will be no beep when you let go of the mouse button, if the option key is depressed - I guess this could be considered a feature!
\Uv1.0b2\p Released 10th February, 1992 for local testing.
• Added this window so that documentation doesn't get separated from the cdev.
\Uv1.0\p Released 25th August, 1992.
• No changes since v1.0b2 (forgot about the project) - has been tested on many machines including Mac Quadra with no problems whatsoever.
David Gladstone
\BFor enquiries and bug reports contact:\p
David Gladstone,
15 Minaret Drive,
Bucklands Beach,
New Zealand.
E-mail: (Internet) D_Gladstone@cs.aukuni.ac.nz
Chris Burns,
75 Millen Avenue,
New Zealand.
Julian Harris,
71 Warnock Street,
New Zealand.
Our employers and the university we attend have no connection with this project.
The authors, David Gladstone, Chris Burns and Julian Harris, make no warranties, either express or implied, regarding the fitnes the "Volume Menu" system extension for any particular purpose. Use it at your own risk. The authors claim no liability for data loss or other problems caused directly or indirectly by the "Volume Menu" system extension.
\I\URemember to smile and pay the shareware fee!\p
\BPS:\b Check out MacBrightness - an awesome (if I say so myself) utility for use on Mac Classics and Mac Classic II's. It works just like volume menu and it's postcardware.